OK, OK I know we are not talking about an Academy Award Winning Movie, but I of course feel a bit of pride talking today about the recently released 4 DVD box set of Lucky Napkin Live, featuring every entrepreneurial inspiration packed moment from the March Lucky Napkin Live Event in Phoenix.
Our great friends at VBN.TV were kind enough to come to the event and capture every seminar, every insight and every information packed class and it is all available for you to watch in the comfort of your own home, with notebook, pencil and pause button ready so you don’t miss one detail.
Until today the only way you could have gotten your hands on this DVD was by attending and ordering it the day of the event, but because of the overwhelming demand we had received from people around the world who were unable to fly to Phoenix and learn from the experts first hand we decided to release the complete set.
If you are wondering what you get, I have included a complete agenda from the event. Your 4 DVD set includes full length, uncut versions of absolutely every seminar. They have all been captured in their entirety from multiple angles with clear view of every detail from every PowerPoint slide presented and answers to every question asked. And if you would like to see a nearly 20 minute preview of the entire 8 hour set you can do so by clicking here or the links below.
General Session Opening‐ Featuring John Adam and Tom Perry of the John Adam Radio Show ‐ The #1 Talk Radio Show for Small Business
Dream it, Build it, Scale it and Let it Grow ‐ How to Create Your Own Lucky Napkin ‐
Anthony Tesoriero ‐ Founder Solarceuticals, Co‐Founder Lucky Napkin
Is Your Great Idea Ready for TV, QVC and Infomercial Success? ‐
Bob Warden ‐ Developer of Cook’s Essentials, QVC Host and Billion Dollar TV Sales Expert
Dahlynn Mckowen – Co‐Author of the Chicken Soup Series
One Idea Can Change the World ‐
Amilya Antonetti‐ Founder Soapworks, Co‐Founder Lucky Napkin
How to Get Your Idea Seen and Sold in A Web 2.0, New Media World ‐
David Cain, President MediaSauce
How to Get Started in Business With Your Great Idea ‐
John Benjamin, Founder, John Benjamin, Entrepreneurial CPAs
How to Create An Entrepreneurial Mindset ‐
Mike Michalowic, CNBC Big Idea Expert and Founder of Obsidian Launch
How to Protect Your Great Idea‐ Patents, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets ‐
Barb Luther, Founder, The Luther Law Firm
The Spirit of Entrepreneurship ‐ Taking Your Great Idea Vision and Making it Happen ‐
Bryan Gray, CEO of MediaSauce
Your Brilliant Brand: For the Future Famous and their Great Ideas ‐
Jon Ward, Trump University Faculty
Top 10 PR Tips for the Inventor, Entrepreneur and your Great idea‐
Ann Noder, President Orca Communications
How to Finance your Great Idea -From Bootstrap to Bankroll ‐
Bill Kilburg, CPA, CFO, Co‐Founder Lucky Napkin
The TeleSphere Expert Forum ‐ Four Founders, Every Expert and Your Great Idea Questions
Hosted By Mitch Schlimer,- Founder of The Lets Talk Business Network
Announcement of the Selected Entrepreneur in ‘ The Search for Arizona's Next Great Idea’
This is truly a phenomenal value. Each of the experts at Lucky Napkin Live runs their own business, some in excess of 100 million dollars per year. The time and expertise they offered that day and through this DVD set is invaluable to the entrepreneur looking for answers to the challenges of launching and running a business. You really should take the time to watch the 20-minute preview and decide for yourself.
Of course nothing can replace the real life opportunity to be at the event, the networking, the one on one time with the experts, the access to venture capitalists and angel investors and the atmosphere of entrepreneurship, but the 4 DVD set gets as close to the real thing as possible. Our friends at VBN.TV deserve a real big round of applause for taking the time and putting forth the production to bring this special value to entrepreneurs around the world.
Best of luck always.