Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lucky Napkin Live -V.I.P. Question?

Oops, almost forgot. Many of the attendees of Lucky Napkin Live who purchased V.I.P. Tickets have asked if their ideas will get any additional preferential treatment in the process and the short answer is "YES".

To be as fair as possible to everyone who attended we of course are reviewing each idea individually looking for the "Big Vision" and discussing amongst ourselves where we can offer assistance, but we are working in order of the V.I.P. Ticket holders first and moving through the list.

As anyone who attended the event knows, each founder and every expert in attendance at Lucky Napkin Live worked from morning until late night meeting and listening to entrepreneurs and inventors make their best pitch and then offering candid replies, boosts of confidence, in most case very specific instructions on what to do next and in a few very special case an on the spot handshake deal.

Now since the event our goal has been to "triage" the event itself, tie up all loose ends, offer our thanks to the many people who made it all possible and close the deals that we saw that we all immediately agreed upon.

Now we're going to focus first on completing the value offering to our V.I.P. guests by re-reviewing all of their ideas first and discussing our cumulative impressions before moving on to all the other wonderful ideas we saw. Every person who purchased a V.I.P. ticket has received or will receive a personal follow up phone call from Lucky Napkin to tell them our final thoughts.

To be clear with all other attendees, we will not be able to offer the same level of service. It would clearly be impossible to do the same for all 600 plus attendees, which I am sure everyone understands. But regardless don't fear, we live by a "No Great Idea Left Behind" policy and if you attended Lucky Napkin Live and submitted in person, in the Life Lock Launch pad or both, if the idea is truly great, I assure you we will find you.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Whats Happening with My Pitch since Lucky Napkin Live?


Oh My Goodness! What an amazing event, I personally have never seen so many incredible ideas, enthusiasm, talent and resources in one room on the same day in my entire career.

Lucky Napkin Live, held this past March 20 was everything we expected it to be and so much more. Truth be told, it exceeded our expectations in every way possible.
There were more attendees, more inventors, more experts, investors, entrepreneurs, angels, friends, guests and of course great ideas then we could have imagined. The response was so overwhelming unfortunately we even had to turn people away at the door because we ran out of seats, badges, bags and everything else. (Sorry about that)

In fact, that really seemed to be the only major stumbling block, that we never planned for such an incredible turnout our registration desk was a disaster with some people waiting as much as 1 hour and half just to get their badges and find a seat in the main room for the opening sessions. I think I personally shook the hand of every registrant, going down the line apologizing for our screw up and notifying them that we would push the whole show back 1 hour to accommodate as many attendees as possible.

I must say how impressed I was by the understanding and patience we received from everyone who just seemed so jazzed and energized regardless of the long wait on the registration line. All I can say is THANK YOU. You made the day great for all of us as well.

I have so many wonderful things to say about the event and the hundreds of honest hardworking inventors and entrepreneurs we met that I really don’t know where to being nor do I think I have space. Needless to say we found a couple of great ideas we will be investing in immediately, at least another dozen we are paving the way to QVC and other retail channels for and over a hundred others we are tossing back and forth to determine where we can help and the truth is we haven’t even finished reviewing all of the pitches from the Life Lock Launch Pad, so we expect to find more.

WHEW… This is exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time.
So all that aside, the main reason for this post is to shed some light on our processes and where we are at today to help ease the anticipation and possible anxiety of the hundreds of people who attended Lucky Napkin Live and made a pitch either in person or in the Life Lock Launch Pad on the 20th who want to know, “What is going on?”

Simultaneously I expect people who have submitted ideas via the web site and have been waiting would like a bit of insight as well, so I hope they too will read on and get a better feel for us and what we’re up to lately.

First things first, “What is happening with the Life Lock Launch Pad Videos?”

The good news is we started the review process. The better news is, we have seen more good ideas than bad. The best news is we are seeing more and more ways to assist entrepreneurs in their process to get their products to market without necessarily having to get into big contract negotiations and invest heavily into every idea. Which means we should be able to facility some fast routes to market allowing some inventors and entrepreneurs to hold onto all their equity and just focus on fulfilling sales. Very cool stuff.

The bad news is, this video review process is going to take us much longer than we predicted. Each founder is reviewing every idea and every pitch, one by one and there are over 600 at at least 2 minutes apiece. Do the math, that’s a lot of work. In addition we are taking copious notes, consulting with members of our board of experts and cross-referencing Life Lock Launch Pad videos with web site submissions, product samples that were received and then discussing our first hand impressions of the inventors that we met at the actual event.

It’s a lot of work, but as anyone who was at the event can attest to we are committed to finding great ideas and the great people behind them so we will do what it takes to make sure we turn over every rock, before we pass on an idea.

The bottom line is its going to be a few more weeks before we can make all of our final decisions and get back to the attendees who we are interested in working with to determine the next steps.

That brings me to the next big question, everyone has, “What should I do in the mean time, while I’m waiting to hear back from Lucky Napkin?”

Well that answer is crystal clear, MOVE FORWARD! Don’t wait on us or anyone else for that matter on your journey to achieve your entrepreneurial vision. You should be out selling, creating, developing, meeting investors, retail partners, attorneys and anyone’s else you think can help move your vision forward, just like you did contacting us in the first place. That is the right way. The fact is, if we call you a few weeks from now and would like to make a deal, but you’ve already moved on than it’s our loss. We will have missed out on possibly investing in your great idea but we will still wish you the best and invite you to come back and see us when you have your next great idea.

OK. So those are the two most critical questions we keep hearing and I wanted to get them answered for you so that you can understand our direction and also to give Vicki our executive relationship manager a break from the hundreds of calls she’s been receiving.

I know there is more you want to know and dozens more questions you want me to address, so just give me a few days and I’ll post again and email everyone with more, to keep you in the loop. In the mean time I have to get back to reviewing some more great ideas.

Best Of Luck Always,
