Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Welcome to the Lucky Blog

Welcome, fellow entrepreneurs, evangelists, capitalists, investors, inventors and all around great idea thinkers. You've reached the official-unofficial blogspot for the founders of

Here you will find a veritable cornucopia of fresh minded thinking on all things "great idea" related. Fortunately for us that leaves lots of room for interpretation and doesn't bind our proverbial hands. So you can expect almost anything here from the mundane to the sublime and everything in between. After all we are entrepreneurs and by definition that means we are a bit off tilt. So sit forward in your seat, lets your eyes scan feverishly back and forth across the screen and try to take it all in, I think you'll agree we have a lot to offer.

And don't forget to stop by the main site at, peruse the content, read the shameless self promotion and then submit your great idea.

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